Fish Tacos
Make crema ahead of time, if you have time, so it will thicken up.
Or OK to make it at last minute.
I used heavy cream and yogurt - 50-50 (1/4 cup each)
and added the juice of half a lime and salt
Some recipes call for sour cream and/or mayo instead of yogurt.
You want something thinner than sour cream and tangy and salty.
Mix and put in fridge. It will stay for a week.
For the tacos:
Low-carb flour tortillas
Fish - whatever you like - My favorite is Starfish crispy cod from Whole Foods. It is a private label and the portions are varied so it does not seem like it is overly processed. Whole Foods also has - 365-brand - breaded fish fillets. They are fine, but each portion is the exact same shape leading me to believe that they are more processed.
While fish is cooking, slice thin slivers of cabbage and red onion (or any onion - or green onions))
Pull cilantro leaves off stems
Make enough to have leftovers for next day and store all three in one container
Get the avocado ready
Have cotija cheese and sriracha on hand
Once fish is cooked, heat the tortilla.
Pile the fish on one side with cabbage and onion
Pile the avocado and cilantro on the other side
Drizzle crema and sriracha on all of it
You can mix those two together if you want pink sauce
Sprinkle cotija on top
Squeeze a little more lime juice on everything - optional
Squeeze a little more lime juice on everything - optional
Fold in half